When The End Comes...
we will not be online
we will not be found with all our lights on, quite unnecessarily at that too...
we will not even have electricity, in all likelihood!
we will be back in the Stone Age, in the blink of an eye
or the flick of a switch - at least not the spell of a witch!
Most likely, it will at the pressing of a certain button, following the typing of certain doomsday code unto a certain tightly kept keyboard only a certain someone can access in the most certain of all dire and serious circumstances...
But really now -
do we even care what the actual circumstances of our end will be?
Once we get to that most certain "point of no return"...
Once the Arab world leads the rest of the world to a THIRD WORLD WAR, as it inexorably is attempting to, via a minor but ever-resilient and fervent group of its most fanatical representatives...
Once the stage is all set... And the whole blamed in "full readiness"... (readiness for war, for bloodshed and strife - never quite in readiness to meet their maker and face Judgment, no...)
Once all of these pre-requisites are met and established...
And once there truly is no turning back...
There won't be any happy ending folks - not the way Tom Clancy or another one have come up with before...
The only happy ending you can dare to hope for then...
is one where GOD ALMIGHTY shows some mercy upon your sorry hides!
Kyrie Elieson
Labels: Doomsday Clock, Is Ticking, music
Tom Clancy...
Why did I pick on "poor" Mr. Clancy, you ask?
Well... Would you believe - "simply because he's easier to push around than Clancy Brown?"
No, of course, that is NOT the reason...
The reason is the insipid, inane and downright idiotic "Sum of All Fears"...
Thought it was obvious!
Luminous (\ô/) Luciano™, at 3:19:00 PM
Sum of all fears - for a movie producer and/or studio executive...
1) your movie stars a big star that commands a big pay day - but is on a creative and box-office slide that rivals the Chernobyl meltdown...
2) your movie is based upon the least of all the books ever dished out by a hugely-popular novelist who is himself declining in the same ways your big star is...
3) still, the movie rights cost an arm and a leg...
4) the budget went over the limit - simply due to exasperating CGI demands...
5) the end of the world would seem like a rather PLEASANT PROSPECT in comparison to the moment where all the figures will be coming in - and the deficit is CLEAR... AND IRREVERSIBLE!
Luminous (\ô/) Luciano™, at 4:22:00 PM
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